Lorna creates stories which delight in the magic of the everyday, and provide comfort for the tricker parts of life, told through short stories, beautiful illustrations and heartwarming animations 

Behind Toots Design is me - Lorna Gibson - a self-taught author, illustrator and animator.  In 2017, while teaching skiing in the mountains, I decided to spend my long winter evenings filling up a sketchpad. What tumbled out were cosy woodland scenes which evolved into this world of creativity. 


There is a certainly a child-like joy to my work, yet I also write about more challenging topics such as grief and anxiety in a gentle way, accompanied by heartfelt illustrations. For a while I was unsure how to marry up these two sides of my work, considering them to offer either comfort or magic. Until I realised that magic is comforting and comfort is magical.  Seeing it that way made so much more sense of what I love to do through my stories, illustrations and animations.  


I feel so fortunate to be able to turn to pencil and paper to process my thoughts and feelings. And to be able to pop that in your hands to help others is a wonderful feeling which I'll never take for granted. 


Exploring animation with no prior experience has been one of the best adventures in this business so far, bringing Mr Bear to life has truly been a dream come true at times. The world of Mr Bear encompasses so many things I hold dear, celebrating the magic of the everyday and simple moments with people you love. Friendship and love underpins every story and there’s just no place like home. 

Contact me 

If you'd like to get in touch, enquire about commissioned illustrations or any other information, you can reach me here:

You can also stay in touch with me via my weekly newsletter where I share behind the scenes, heartwarming words, illustrations and updates from my world.  Subscribe here: