Hello! Before I continue, just a little heads up that this post contains some thoughts on love and loss. 🤗


The people that you love make your world a better place… As you do for them too. Sometimes they're so special that they feel like they are your world. And the thought of ever losing them is one of life’s biggest fears - I think. Especially if your mind was ever prone to wondering if you’d expressed and shown your love enough -  thoughts which could add extra weight to the pain of loss one day.


I think when you love someone, it sometimes feels like your heart bursts with all their magic and you just wish they could see what you see, feel what you feel… and those three little words 'I love you' rarely seem to do this justice.


So I wrote this poem, wishing that upon leaving this world, our loved ones might be met with a view of all the ways we loved them, all the beauty we saw in them. If they could step into your heart just for one moment and truly feel all your love, that would be quite wonderful.



If You Ever Had To Leave


On The Shoulders Of Giants

If you ever had to leave this world
I hope you’d get to see 
All the ways I’ve loved you
On a giant screen TV
You could sit and nibble popcorn
While all my love played out
Though you questioned all your value
For me there was no doubt. 
One moment in my shoes, 
And you would finally then see 
The millions of ways that
You’ve meant everything to me
And while you’re curled up watching
Above the sky so blue 
I’ll blow a kiss, jam-packed with love
I hope you’ll feel that too. 
Fearing life without you
Is a price my love will pay 
Never sure I’d manage 
But I hope I’d find a way 
But for while you’re here beside me
Where I’d love for you to stay. 
I’ll remind you that you’re wonderful
And celebrate today.

We often wish for someone to rest in peace when they're no longer here, but I also really hope for those left behind to rest peacefully here on earth -  reminding themselves that their love was felt in unspoken ways, through moments shared  - both notable and entirely forgettable. And that on both good days and bad, one thing was certain, that love was ever-present.

Wishing you beautiful moments with those you love and sending you a big hug if this post has touched you today, or if you're in the midst of processing a loss. 
You might find comfort in my book On The Shoulders Of Giants, or Love Never Dies, both of which hold comforting words and illustrations on loss and grief. 
Lorna Gibson