February 3rd 2025 sees the start of Children's Mental Health week where the theme is 'Know yourself, grow yourself'
As an adult, the world feels noisier than ever and I can't imagine how challenging it must be for children to navigate it at the moment. Growing up is often a time where fitting in is essential to feeling safe among your peers, and so being yourself can be hugely challenging if you feel a little different in any way.
Feeling alone doesn't just happen when you're on your own, it can feel incredibly isolating feeling misunderstood by those around you or disconnected in some way, especially if that disconnection breeds any form of bullying.
I created my book Just As You Are to provide comfort and understanding for overcoming fears, adversity, being different, following your own path and feeling at peace in yourself, just as you are. The heartwarming words and illustrations will be of comfort to those feeling a little lost among the crowd and will help encourage finding your voice and being true to your own unique path.
We all need a little encouragement to be our true selves at times, and this little book will offer words of comfort to embrace failures, self doubt and loneliness as we carve our way in life.