Finding magic in unexpected places

Finding magic in unexpected places

It was such a chance opportunity that I didn’t even know I was looking for but each week left me with insights into myself and my business and a growing sense of clarity and direction - gold dust with perfect timing. 
Lorna Gibson
Mr Fry Comes To Tea

Mr Fry Comes To Tea

Mr Bear and Mouse had much excitement in The Corner Of The Forest as Mr Stephen Fry came to visit for a cup of tea to chat about Mr Bear's favourite time of year - Christmas. 
Lorna Gibson
Thank you Mr Briggs

Thank you Mr Briggs

It is funny how an idea and a creation made many miles away can land in your world and shape it, a beautiful reminder of how connected we are through stories and inspirations. How those characters can become so dear to you, your own experiences of The Snowman, Winnie the Pooh, The Wind In The Willows, Narnia, those magical places exist in your heart as much as they do in the mind of their creators
Lorna Gibson
...I should just get a job

...I should just get a job

I would describe myself as a solo business owner - certainly I'm the only one on the payroll and I laugh at the spam emails addressed "Hello team at Toots Design'. But the truth is, there is a huge invisible team behind me, yourself included
Lorna Gibson
Magic Warriors

Magic Warriors

I am so grateful to everyone who boldly paved the way for others to speak up and live authentically without, or with less, fear or shame. I know there is still a long way to go, but I believe that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and this poem is a thank you to every one of them. And a thank you to you too for making the world a better place.
Lorna Gibson
Unicorns, Teacups... Action

Unicorns, Teacups... Action

By April last year, I was making a start. Armed once again with a heavy dose of joyful naivety on my side, I set about making rough plans on napkins and wondering genuinely... how on Earth I was going to build a carousel!
Lorna Gibson
The power of love

The power of love

The account was uncomfortable to listen to. Yet it was told with incredible positivity and endless gratitude for the new life which followed. Respect for the woman who had made that possible filled every sentence, and a desire to celebrate her bravery was at the heart of our meeting. 
Lorna Gibson
Creating space for difficult words

Creating space for difficult words

Talking is so often beneficial for processing emotions, and those wonderful people holding space for these conversations are doing such a fabulous job.I have been sent some incredibly moving feedback from teachers who have been using Love Never Dies at their schools to help any children experiencing grief.I wanted to help this by creating a set of colouring-in sheets based on my illustrations in Love Never Dies.

Lorna Gibson
Tagged: bereavement grief
Happy Valentines! With love, Lorna x

Happy Valentines! With love, Lorna x

Listening to this song on loop just fuelled my excitement to bring it to life as an animation and I hope that it makes you smile to watch! 🌸💕
Lorna Gibson
Why shopping small is huge

Why shopping small is huge

I totally understand why small business are called 'small', in many ways we are tiny but it always sounds odd because on the inside... it feels huge. 

Since running my own business, I hold even more respect for small, independent businesses, and it gives me a lot of joy to support them wherever possible, especially for Christmas shopping and amongst the increasing pressures of Black Friday...

Lorna Gibson
Just As You Are

Just As You Are

I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you how wonderful you are. Just as you are. Because sometimes it's easy to forget. And it's especially easy to forget if you're being questioned through a lens of society's most common list of expectations.
Lorna Gibson
Mr Bear is featured in Cheshire Life

Mr Bear is featured in Cheshire Life

I was absolutely delighted to be featured in Cheshire Life this month, especially so because the November issue is full of sparkle and festive treats. 

There were so many moments of doubt along the way making this film, so the moments of recognition like this are truly wonderful. 

Lorna Gibson