Daylight Spendings
I'm late...I'm late...
While standing beside a clock, the tick seems so constant, yet time is so strangely inconsistent. From the bizarre time soup of a painful loss to the eternity of each second while holding a plank in the gym.
If Christmas Is Hard
You ARE an artist!
Along my creative journey, I've been given a few permission slips, and I can't tell you how much they've helped! Permission to embark upon a creative career, permission to call myself a creative, permission to call myself an illustrator, permission to call myself... gulp... an artist. Each one has been a delightful nudge of encouragement for which I've been truly grateful.
Magic is the wonder
How failing led me here
Before I started Toots Design, I created a hat brand with colourful winter beanies...
Here is a little behind the scenes about how it came about, and how it became a part of the journey to finding you here now.
Friends In Small Places
The Other Side Of The Wall
Putting on a brave face alongside the things that worry us is so tiring.
Sometimes the thoughts and feelings themselves can be as (if not more) frightening than any situation we face. It takes great strength to hold them at bay, and it takes great strength to face them too. So if you recognise yourself holding up the wall with all your might, you are stronger than you know. And if you recognise yourself sitting with the courage to let them out, you are also made of more magic than any Marvel superhero.